Thank you for visiting our membership page. Please take your time to look around and learn how you can join us.
We hope you enjoy our website and take time to drop us a line if you need more information.

We have 3 types of memberships.- Individual Membership 2. Corporate Membership & 3. Honorary membership
Individual Membership
For individual ministers of Nigerian descent resident in any of the 50 states in USA who desire to become members and will commit to pay their annual membership fees as at when due and abide with the byelaws of the fellowship.Corporate Membership
Churches, Ministries and Nonprofits with Nigerian members of board with registered offices in any of the 50 states of Nigeria who desire to become members and commit to paying the annual dues of their category and abide by the byelaws of the fellowship.Honorary Membership
This is Membership conferred on an individual by the executives of the fellowship. Such individuals do not pay any annual membership fees but must commit to abide by the byelaws of the fellowship.Membership Application Process
1. Application for membership submitted
2. Application is reviewed by executive board
3. Acceptance letter is written to the applicant by the General secretary
4. Applicant goes through orientation with the general secretary and a membership number, membership card and letter of welcome and a printed copy of the byelaws of the fellowship is sent to the new member
5. New member is included in the list of members for induction at the next annual new members induction ceremony for the fellowship
A welcome letter of Membership is issued from the office of the General secretary to every new member upon their successful completion of their orientation.MEMBERSHIP CARD?
Every new member is issued a Membership card and their name and number entered into the Membership roll kept in the office of the General Secretary.MEMBERSHIP INDUCTION CEREMONY?
Every new member is introduced to the general body of members and inducted as a full member during the annual membership induction ceremony for the fellowship.MEMBERSHIP PERKS?
Every member is entitled to enjoy the discounts for goods and services from different organizations secured for members of the fellowship. NB: Every member will recieve tie pins of the logo of NMFUSA and of the 2 nations of USA & NigeriaMembers Picture Directory
(Coming soon)
In our upcoming member’s online directory, Members will be able to list their individual information on their pages
as well as information about their organizations and business services.
as well as information about their organizations and business services.